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Consumer Information

"Water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink..." - samuel taylor coleridge



AWWA's DrinkTap website is full of information for consumers about water quality, conservation, plus resources for kids about "the story of drinking water"


Questions about water? The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
quality water available is to educate yourself.

to Learn More


Without water, the earth would look like the moon.

Water makes up 83% of our blood, 70% of our brain, and 90% of our lungs. Overall, our bodies are 70% water.

A tomato is about 95% water. An apple, a pineapple, and an ear of corn are each 80% water.


What's in my water?

Contact AWWA NJ Public Information Committee

AWWA NJ Press Releases


 Kid's Zone

Conservation Tips


Learn about Lead
in Drinking Water

Try the Drip Calculator at



Dedicated to Safe Water in New Jersey

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50 E. Ridgewood Ave, #183
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Toll free: 1-866-436-1120
